Long-time local resident, Ian Passwell, has extensive experience over many years coaching male and female golfers. Ian has coached both amateur and professionals of all ages and standards. Ian would love to see all his present & former students at Pittwater Golf Centre.
Formerly Club Professional at Palm Beach, Roseville and Mona Vale, Ian has recently retired after 24 years at Ryde-Parramatta Golf Club.
His great passion has always been the science of the golf swing based on the physics of rotation and geometry of the circle. This may seem complicated but Ian believes you cannot argue with true science which can be taught with great simplicity. His teaching philosophy is based upon “Impact Alignments” and how to achieve consistent ball flight compression through correct fundamentals that everyone can master.
Ian is fully aware of the physical limitations of many senior golfers and knows many alternatives to overcome these problems. He is a great believer in “golf drills” which are designed to retrain the body so a correct swing motion is achievable. Ian prescribes drills as “homework” and video analysis is freely provided & emailed to you for further “self-discovery”.
Through ongoing research and study his understanding of technical, physical and mental aspects of golf continues to grow.

Matt Dane
Lakes GC
Handicap: +3.4
- Strokeplay Championship
Winner by 13 shots - Matchplay Title
Runner up 1 down on 36th hole - Ryde-Parramatta G.C Title
Winner by an amazing 13 shots.
Matt has been coached by Ian for over 12 years, having also won Vardon events against top amateurs.
He plans to win the Champion of Champions Title this January.
Lynne Gamblin
Cromer GC

Handicap: +11
Ian has coached Lynne since July 2021, handicap down from 20 to 11, hopefully to single digits!
With her partner, she won 2 Ball Matchplay Title, 2 Monthly Medals, last 2 Eclectics & many other club events. For a “mature” lady of small stature, Lynne hits the ball a long way due to a superior well learnt technique!